
2PM.Network's architecture is designed as a modular, scalable framework built on blockchain technology to facilitate privacy-preserving computation and data utilization.

Infrastructure and Framework

At its core, the network employs Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and Federated Learning, enabling secure and private data processing and AI model training. The infrastructure also includes specialized contracts and tools that handle data storage, encryption, and standardization, ensuring data integrity and accessibility.

SolutionsFoundations2PM Products

Data Storage and Access Solution

0G Data Availability Layer and ZKPass

2PM Data VSIES Service and SDK

Privacy Training Solution

Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Federated Learning

2PM Node Framework

Verification Solution

Any Blockchains and Restaking Protocols

2PM Verification Client

Ecosystem and Application

On the application side, 2PM.Network incorporates APIs for AI inference. It also features an innovative monetization system through the use of Royalty Tokens for each AI subnets, which ensures that contributors to AI subnets are rewarded for their input and efforts. This architecture also facilitates the expansion of the network across various blockchain ecosystems through 2PM DAO, making it robust and adaptable for future growth and integration.

SolutionsFoundations2PM Products

Inference Solution


2PM Node Server API

Model IP and Monetization Solution

Story Protocol

AI Model IP Assets / Royalty Token / 2PM Contribution Algorithm

Expansion and Governance Solution

Any Blockchains


Last updated