Joining a Subnet

Joining a subnet on the 2PM.Network involves several steps, each designed to ensure that participants are well-prepared and configured to engage in either federated learning or Fully Homomorphic Encryption machine learning tasks. Here is a detailed description of the process:

1. Find the Relevant Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Start by navigating to the 2PM.Network’s documentation under the "Deployed Smart Contracts" section. Here, identify the specific subnet corresponding to the blockchain and smart contracts you wish to join as a Node. This step is crucial as it provides the necessary details to interact correctly with the subnet.

2. Configure the Chain Connector

Once you have the required information, including the contract address from the documentation, configure your Chain Connector. Update the Chain Connector’s configuration file with the subnet's blockchain details and the smart contract addresses. This configuration ensures that your node can communicate effectively with the blockchain, enabling transactions and interactions as needed for the tasks.

You should also ensure that the wallet account you configure here has enough tokens required by the subnet for staking.

3. Review the Subnet’s Dataset Schema

Examine the subnet’s requirements regarding the dataset schema. This involves understanding the structure, format, and type of data that the subnet operations require. The dataset schema will guide how you prepare your data for participation in the subnet’s tasks.

4. Prepare the Dataset

Based on the subnet’s requirements and the nature of the tasks (federated learning vs. FHE ML tasks), prepare your dataset accordingly:

  • For Federated Learning: Prepare your local plaintext dataset. Ensure it conforms to the subnet's dataset schema and is ready for use in federated learning tasks.

  • For FHE ML Tasks: If the subnet's activities involve FHE, you might need to access an encrypted dataset. Retrieve the appropriate encrypted dataset from the 0G Storage Node, ensuring it matches the required specifications and encryption standards.

5. Launch the Node Service

With your dataset prepared and configurations set, launch your node service. Ensure your system is set up to connect to the 2PM.Network and is ready to communicate with other nodes within the subnet:

  • Execute the command to start your node. This often involves a Docker command if your environment is containerized, for example:

    docker run -d --name my_2pm_node -v ${PWD}:/app -p my_port:my_port 2pmmpc/2pm_node:latest
  • After launching the node, monitor its status to confirm it is running correctly and is connected to the network. Use tools like Docker logs or your node’s dashboard to check its activity.

  • Wait for task assignments. Once your node is active and recognized by the subnet, it will begin receiving tasks. Ensure your node remains operational and is ready to process any tasks it receives.

By following these steps, you can successfully join a subnet on the 2PM.Network, contributing to federated learning or FHE ML tasks securely and efficiently.

Last updated