[E] Data Encryption Client (FHE)

The 2PM Data Encryption Client is a critical component of the 2PM.Network's infrastructure, designed to facilitate the secure encryption of data either locally or via cloud-based services provided by trusted party. This client leverages Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) technology, allowing users to encrypt their data while retaining the ability to perform computations on it. Before data is uploaded to the blockchain, it undergoes verification through the Data Standardization and Index Contract to ensure compliance with data standards and formats.

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Key Features

  • Local and Cloud-Based Encryption: Users have the flexibility to encrypt data directly on their local devices or opt for cloud-based encryption services, depending on their computational resources and security requirements.

  • Integration with Data Standardization and Index Contract: Ensures that all data meets predefined standards and formats before it is encrypted and uploaded, maintaining data integrity and consistency across the network.

  • Key Management: Users can manage their keys to encrypt data locally.

How It Works

  1. Key generation: Users need to generate a set of keys:

    • A private encryption key to encrypt/decrypt their data and results

    • A public evaluation key for the model's FHE evaluation.

  2. Data Preparation: Users prepare their data according to the required standards outlined by the 2PM.Network. This preparation involves organizing the data into the specified fields and formats that are expected by the Data Standardization and Index Contract.

  3. Encryption Process:

    • Local Encryption: For users with sufficient computational power, the Data Encryption Client can perform FHE encryption directly on the user's device, ensuring that sensitive data never leaves the device in an unencrypted state.

    • Cloud-Based Encryption: Users with limited local resources can opt for cloud-based encryption, where data is securely transmitted to a cloud service, encrypted, and sent back to the user's device or blockchain storage node.

  4. Data Verification: Once encrypted, the data is passed through the Data Standardization and Index Contract. This contract verifies that the data adheres to the necessary standards and indexing protocols, ensuring that only compliant data is uploaded to the blockchain.

  5. Data Upload: After verification, the encrypted data is ready to be uploaded to the blockchain, where it can be utilized for various applications within the 2PM.Network without compromising user privacy.

Last updated