Private Personalized Recommendation

2PM.Network envision a future where ecosystems are constructed around high-traffic platforms like Telegram, serving as gateways to vertically integrated application interfaces. Users will have the capability to locally save their interaction history with each application, which, combined with application tags, will be encrypted using fully homomorphic encryption before being uploaded to the DA-layer blockchain. This innovative approach ensures that user data remains private and secure, while still being utilizable for network operations.

To enhance user engagement and utility, 2PM.Network is set to develop a specialized privacy-focused recommendation model. This model will intelligently suggest applications based on individual user behaviors and preferences, fostering a more personalized and engaging user experience. The potential of such a recommendation model extends beyond just app suggestions, encompassing token recommendations, influencer endorsements, and other domains, opening up new avenues for personalized content and service delivery in the decentralized web. This strategy not only enhances user satisfaction but also drives network growth by promoting relevant and tailored interactions within the ecosystem.

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