What is Data VSIES and why is it important

VSIES stands for Validation, Standardization, Index, Encryption, and Storage. It represents a comprehensive approach to handling data, which is a critical asset in the field of artificial intelligence. The importance of VSIES within the context of 2PM.Network can be explained through each of its components:

1. Validation (V)

  • Purpose: To ensure the credibility and reliability of data sources.

  • Implementation: 2PM.Network employs zkPass to verify that the data provided by users originates from trusted sources. This step is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the data used in training AI models, as it helps prevent the incorporation of erroneous or manipulated data.

2. Standardization (S)

  • Purpose: To unify data fields and content across distributed datasets.

  • Implementation: By standardizing datasets, 2PM.Network ensures that data contributed from various sources can be effectively integrated and utilized in AI model training. This process involves aligning data formats and schemas to facilitate seamless data aggregation and processing.

3. Index (I)

  • Purpose: To organize data in a way that enhances accessibility and usability.

  • Implementation: 2PM.Network uses an Index method to summarize and catalog similar forms of data, making it easier to build comprehensive and functional datasets. This indexing is typically performed through Data Standardization and Index contracts that manage and facilitate data retrieval.

4. Encryption (E)

  • Purpose: To protect the privacy of data while it is stored and used for computation.

  • Implementation: 2PM.Network provides a Data Encryption Client that allows users to encrypt their data locally using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) before uploading it to the blockchain. This encryption ensures that data remains confidential and secure from unauthorized access during storage and processing.

5. Storage (S)

  • Purpose: To securely store data in a way that is accessible for computation needs.

  • Implementation: Encrypted data is stored on the blockchain such as 0G, where it is available for use by computational nodes of 2PM.Network. This method of storage not only secures the data but also ensures its availability for authorized processes and applications.

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