$DMP Token

The $DMP Token, an abbreviation for "Decentralized Model Participation," is a pivotal element within the 2PM DAO framework. Issued by the 2PM DAO, $DMP operates without a capped supply, serving a dual purpose of enhancing user engagement and bolstering the ecosystem’s stability through the staking of the network governance token, $2PM.

How to get $DMP Token

Participants in the 2PM DAO can stake $2PM Tokens and receive an equivalent amount of $DMP Tokens on a 1:1 basis.

Token Mechanics and Ecosystem Integration

Once $DMP Tokens are used to back proposals for new subnet developments within the DAO, they are subsequently burned. This action signifies the completion of their role in funding new initiatives, thereby reducing the circulating supply and adding a deflationary aspect to $DMP's economic design. Correspondingly, the staked $2PM Tokens, particularly those aligned under the same subnet, are then utilized as the initial liquidity pool. This pool also incorporates the first batch of Royalty Tokens awarded to the participants based on the amount of $DMP invested. Similar to initial model offering (IMO) and community fair launch, this setup establishes the foundational liquidity necessary for the subnet’s operational launch.

Role in Subnet Development and Rewards

$DMP token is also employed as incentives in the form of airdrops to encourage users to establish and maintain subnets within the ecosystem.

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