2PM Node Inference API

The 2PM Node Inference API provides a dynamic interface that exposes a continuously trained and updated model, allowing users and developers to directly access and utilize the latest version of the model. This API serves as a crucial link between the real-time capabilities of the 2PM network's machine learning models and the end-users or downstream applications, ensuring they benefit from the most current data insights and predictive analytics.

Key Features of the 2PM Node Inference API:

  • Real-Time Model Updates: The models integrated within the 2PM Node are updated in real time, reflecting the latest data inputs and learning processes. This ensures that the models remain accurate and relevant, adapting to new information as it becomes available.

  • Direct Application Service: By exposing these models through an API, the 2PM Node enables developers to integrate advanced machine learning capabilities directly into their applications. This can enhance user experiences and improve the functionality of various software products by incorporating sophisticated predictive and analytical tools.

  • Privacy-Preserving Inference under FHE ML: In scenarios where Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is employed, the API supports privacy-preserving inference. This means that it can perform data processing and model inference without needing to decrypt the input data. This capability is crucial for maintaining the confidentiality and security of sensitive information while still leveraging the power of machine learning.

  • Integration with Oracles: The API also supports integration with blockchain oracles like Chainlink, which can be used to securely and reliably deliver inference results to the blockchain. This feature enables smart contracts to act based on data processed by the 2PM Node, facilitating a wide range of decentralized applications that depend on external, verified data for execution.

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