Modular Architecture

The 2PM.Network Node Framework is a modular, decentralized system designed for privacy-preserving computations across a peer-to-peer network. This framework is particularly geared towards multiple data holders who establish nodes to connect and utilize their own data securely.

Core Components

  1. Blockchain Node:

    • Function: Acts as the backbone for the P2P networking, managing digital identities and node discoveries.

    • Features: Supports the decentralized nature of the network, enabling nodes to freely join or leave without affecting overall network functionality. It uses smart contracts for task distribution and result reporting, ensuring consistent rule enforcement across the network.

  2. 2PM Node:

    • Function: Handles the computation tasks, connecting to the blockchain node through the Chain Connector.

    • Features: Engages in the network for task dissemination, result submission, and execution of privacy-preserving computations like Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) and Private Set Intersection (PSI).

Modular Design of 2PM Node Framework

  1. Chain Connector:

    • Function: Serves as a modular link between the 2PM Node and the blockchain node, facilitating seamless integration and communication. It allows for easy switching between different blockchain systems and manages cryptographic operations required for privacy-preserving tasks.

  2. Task Management:

    • Server Side Function: Manages the registration and distribution of computing tasks. It aggregates results from various client nodes to form the final outcome, ensuring data privacy and security throughout the process.

    • Client Side Function: Monitors blockchain for new tasks, retrieves the execution code from the server side, and performs local computations. It engages in SMPC with other client nodes to ensure data privacy during computation.

  3. Data Connector:

    • Function: Connects the 2PM Node to the local data storage or 0G storage nodes, supporting various data formats like files, relational databases, and big data storage systems. It also ensures that data used in computations meets the necessary standards and conditions, adding an extra layer of data integrity and validation.

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